Looking for support?
Find UDL and accessibility support from UBC Vancouver faculties, Centre for Accessibility, and the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
When designing for accessibility, it helps to plan out how students will receive the content you’re providing. How will students access course readings and other materials? Will your course be primarily in person, or will students collaborate asynchronously and/or remotely? Which platforms will they use – and are those platforms secure and accessible?
Our specialists are available to provide advice and support for the UBC Vancouver teaching and learning community, including faculty and graduate students. Fill out the form on the CTLT Contact Us page to request support, and the relevant team will get in touch.
Centre for Accessibility
The Centre for Accessibility (CfA) supports UBC students with disabilities, helps ensure their disability-related accommodations are met, and works with members of the UBC community on a broad range of accessibility initiatives. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis, and CfA advisors and staff works with faculty to provide the resources and support required. Students must register with CfA before requesting accommodations; after registering, CfA connects with instructors as needed.
The Centre for Workplace Accessibility supports UBC faculty and staff. They offer consultations, accommodations, and more. You can learn more about their services and connect with them.
Centre for Workplace Accessibility
The UBC Centre for Workplace Accessibility (CWA) is a central hub for resources, tools, and programs that help remove barriers for faculty and staff with disabilities or ongoing medical conditions.
UBC Studios
Our professional media producers are available to offer consultation and advice regarding media production tools, strategies, and considerations supporting accessibility and Universal Design for Learning, without charge. Faculty and staff can access this support by emailing ubc.studios@ubc.ca or visiting the UBC Studios Website.
Instructional and Faculty Support Units
Instructional and Faculty Support Units offer learning technology, instructional design and pedagogical help at the faculty level. For accessibility and Universal Design of Learning Support, contact your supports units listed here:
Faculty of Arts
Arts Instructional Support and Information Technology (ISIT) is a learning, teaching and technology support unit for the Faculty of Arts. Arts ISIT offers in-person and remote support through email, phone, webinars, and virtual drop-in sessions.
For consultations around UDL and accessibility or to get in touch with us, please fill out the contact form available through our website to provide any additional details you wish to share.
Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education builds awareness of equity, diversity, and inclusion. To explore strategies about integration of EDI and UDL principles into your courses, check out the FoE resources, learn more by registering for a workshop, or contact us directly.
Faculty of Forestry
To learn more about UDL within the Faculty of Forestry, check out the Forestry Inclusive Teaching & UDL webpage from their Teaching and Learning Support team. They also have a Canvas site for accessibility tools. If you have general requests relating to UDL, feel free to reach out via their contact page: https://teachingsupport.forestry.ubc.ca/get-help
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The Faculty of Land and Food Systems’s Learning Centre provides IT, media and instructional support to the LFS community. The LFS Learning Centre works closely with faculty, staff & students to improve teaching and learning experiences, both inside and out of the classroom. Contact us for more information on UDL and creating inclusive courses, and join our weekly Lunch and Learn series, where we connect the LFS teaching community to discuss relevant issues.
Faculty of Medicine
If you would like to incorporate UDL principles in your teaching at the FoM please feel free to contact Faculty Development at fac.dev@ubc.ca
If you have an interest in incorporating UDL principles through educational media or digital teaching tools please feel free to contact EdTech at edmedia.med@ubc.ca
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Office of Educational Technology and Learning Design’s (OETLD) purpose is to enable faculty, staff, and students, to become agents of change in the educational landscape through innovative technologies and learning designs. Contact the OETLD, for consultation, support around accessibility, universal design for learning, learning design, and teaching with technology.
Faculty of Science
Skylight, the Science Centre for Learning and Teaching in the Faculty of Science, supports the development, implementation, and assessment of teaching and learning activities and instructional practices to promote inclusive teaching.
To learn about strategies to incorporate EDI, Universal Design for Learning, and accessibility, view Inclusive Teaching Resources for UBC Science Instructors, contact your department’s Science Education Specialist, or email Skylight.
Sauder School of Business
UBC Sauder’s Learning Services team is committed to fostering teaching excellence by providing comprehensive support and resources. We assist faculty in designing, developing, and delivering impactful learning experiences across various environments, including face-to-face, blended, and online settings. For consultations on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and accessibility, or to connect with us, please reach out to help@sauder.ubc.ca.