Archives by date

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UDL Explorer Challenge: Maximize Transfer and Generalization

Identify what methods can be used to recontextualize complex concepts

UDL Explorer Challenge: Visual and Auditory Information (Staff Voice)

Practice providing alternatives for your communication strategies

UDL Explorer Challenge: Visual and Auditory Information

Learn about conveying information through different methods such as captioning or alt text

UDL Explorer Challenge: Increasing Mastery-Oriented Feedback

Practice redesigning assignments to include feedback opportunities

UDL Explorer Challenge: Recruiting Interest

Think of methods to engages students in a more personal way

UDL Explorer Challenge: Enhance Capacity for Monitoring Progress

Identify different ways that students can receive feedback and identify areas of improvement

UDL Explorer Challenge: Provide Multiple Media Options

Practice thinking about different media channels that students can use to express their learnings

UDL Explorer Challenge: Build Community in Your Class

Brainstorm community-building activities that create a trusting classroom environment

UDL Explorer Challenge: Accessibility Statement

Create your own welcoming accessibility statement for your course at UBC

UDL Explorer Challenge: Designing For Accessibility

Get started with the UDL Explorer Challenge by learning about accessible course design